Surculus Web prerelease
13.03.2017 - 0.9.6
CommandTester - command tester client
NuntiusReceiverCallback, AccipioReceiverCallback - commandManager_CmdReadyToPush repaired (Command.Destination)
06.03.2017 - 0.9.4
GUI supports unit conversion
Nuntius - mark unused footprints
Nuntius, Accipio - GUI update
Nugets update
24.01.2017 - 0.9.2
TPL/SenderPipe - GetInfo() error repaired (if _Converter is NULL)
Nuntius.WebGui/regDevices - isInRangeColor
Accipio.WebGui/regDevices - isInRangeColor
Nuntius.WebGui/regDevices - showing if last message is in range
SenderPipe - new properties added to GetInfo
ProcessController - ProcessConfigurationInfo updated
Accipio.WebGui/app.module.js - new filters
Accipio.WebGui/regDevices - device list with messages and their types
Accipio.WebGui/home - coloring, additional info
23.01.2017 - 0.9.1
SenderPipe - new properties added to GetInfo
ProcessController - ProcessConfigurationInfo updated
Nuntius.WebGui/app.module.js - new filters
Nuntius.WebGui/regDevices - messages counter
Nuntius.WebGui/home - coloring, additional info
Nuntius.WebGui/process - schema redesigned (showing sender-receiver type, packager type, converter type, ...)
ReceivedDevice - Count property added
Updated tests
19.01.2017 - 0.9.0
AccipioReceiverCallback - simplified constructor
Accipio.Service/Program.cs - RunAsLocalSystem
Nuntius.Service/Program.cs - RunAsLocalSystem
Registered devices and unknown devices separated
Constants editing for registerdd device
Nugets update
unknDevices.html, unknDevices.js - unknown devices are shown in separate view
Tests updated
IReceivedDevice - Checksum support
IReceivedDevices - Checksum support, new methods GetDeviceDataTimeProfile, DeleteDevice, UpdateDeviceConstants, IConverter interface implemented
IParser - Checksum support
16.01.2017 - 0.8.4
settingsSenderPipe (html, js) - Converter settings implemented
regDevice (html, js) - displaying Reception (APDU footprint, IP, last, created) and technical data (Voltage constant, Current constant).
IConverter interface added
ReceivedDevices - IConverter implementation
ReceivedDevice - VoltageConstant and CurrentConstant added
OBISHelper - OBIS conversion and checking library
ReceivedDevicesHelper - Smen V2 Cloning methods, Recalculate method
New and updated test
IConverterFactory - converter factoy added
NuntiusBootstrap - added support for IConverter
Nugets update
UDP broker implemented and tested
Forwarding (TCP and UDP) tested
Nugets update
13.01.2017 -
AccipioManager, AccipioProcess - GetInfo... exception handlers
NuntiusManager, AccipioManager - GetServerInfo() description form SharedAssemblyInfo.cs
Nugets update
Nuntius.WebApi/ListenerController - in case of null ListenersInfo() method returns InternalServerError()
Nuntius.WebApi/SenderController - in case of null SenderInfo() method returns InternalServerError()
Nuntius.Service/Program.cs - diagnostics.CreateLogger instead of GetLogger
Nuntius.Core/TPL/ListenerPipe - exception handler in GetInfo()
Nuntius.Core/TPL/SenderPipe - exception handler in GetInfo()
Nuntius.Core/Process/NuntiusProcess - exception handler in GetListenersInfo() and GetInfo()
10.01.2017 -
Web GUI - table sorting
settings.json - updated to last version
WebGui/settingsListenerPipes - forwarder linked to settings
WebGui/regDevices.html - coloring based on APDU Footprint existance
APDU Footprint save (sending object to server and downloading file) and load (uploading file to server and getting object back)
RootController - listener and sender settings replaced, upload and download file methods added
ListenerController - settings moved from RootController, LoadApduFromFile() and SaveApduToFile() methods added
SenderController - settings moved from RootController
ReceivedDevicesStoreFile - _filePathUnknowns error resolved
CosemApduParser - unnecessary PublishParsedMessages removed
Broker/Helper - extension methods for IP parsing, ...
BrokerSettings - string Forwarder { get; set; }
TCPBroker - forwarding support (not activated yet)
CosemApduParser - showing exact unknown items (PublishParsedMessages)
TopicSplitter - in case of error returns NULL (previously it throw an exception)
Updated Tests
15.06.2017 - 2.0.0
KKT support
Centralized settings loaded on demand
30.05.2017 - 1.6.7
D019TSK == 24 separated from households
Nuget packeges removed from repo
GetChannelsForChannelTypeDescription - URI escaped data string
11.01.2017 - 1.6.6
New tariff rules (new holiday - January 2nd)
MeterCacheRepository - GetMeterBySerial, GetMeterBySerialManufacturer - allowedStates (MeterState[]) parameter added
MeterCacheDataSource - GetMeterBySerial, GetMeterBySerialManufacturer - allowedStates (MeterState[]) parameter added
MeterCacheSearcher - SearchMeter method updated (allowedStates = MeterState.Activated, MeterState.Calculated, MeterState.Unknown)
MeterCacheLogic - GetMeterBySerial and GetMeterBySerialManufacturer were removed
Connection detection changes (threading issues)...
EG - Podpora za samooskrbo (net metering)
ISQLtoDB2Serializer (and its implementations) - testing function added
SqlToDB2ProcessingController - new methods: TestAll(), TestByType(int type)
IJobsClient - new methods: bool TestAll(out bool MainSerializer, out bool SingleSerializer, out bool ExcelOk, out bool ExcelError, out bool JsonError), bool TestByType(ESerializerType type)
frmMain - showing serializers connections statuses
30.11.2016 - 1.6.5
ISQLtoDB2Serializer (and its implementations): testing function added
SqlToDB2ProcessingController: new methods TestAll(), TestByType(int type)
IJobsClient: new methods bool TestAll(...), bool TestByType(...)
frmMain: showing serializers connections statuses
25.10.2016 - 1.6.4
STP3: new tariff rules for 2017
BUGFIX: After a refreshment bar in the manner of displaying the tip focus again returned to the top table
BUGFIX: If there is only one record for filtering in the table the data are refreshed even after amending filtering
CachedMeter: New method Disable() which chages state to MeterState.Disabled
MeterCacheSync: Now it labes also those who are not in the sources, but they are in the cache-u and marks them with the Disabled (old meters, meters disconnected)
BUGFIX: The method GetCalculatedReadings changed the definition of date "DateFrom". Previously, it was DateTo.AddMonths (-1), but now it setting the first of the month due to a problem in the calculation of the month load profile.
07.09.2016 - 1.6.3
Data, Data.EDS, Data.Sep2W: small changes due to SmenCloudMeter Accipio (automatic provisioning)
06.07.2016 - 1.6.2
SepSystem20: Exception logging!
SepChannelsProvider: In method IList <ChannelBase> SearchByDevices (IList <string> searchByDevices, bool queryExact) a call "_managementClient.QueryDevicesEx (filter)" was added within a special try-catch.
SepSystem20/Worker/Channels.cs: In method IEnumerable <ChannelBase> Search (search string, int? Page = default (int?) bool? WithAttributes = false) moved batch to 1000 (formerly 2000).
BUGFIX: Fixed bug in confirmation (the problem of separating the receiption and transfer).
30.06.2016 - 1.6.1
BUGFIX: Now the display registers the receiption and transfer in the view of measuring manufacturing sites are shown correctly (separately)
13.06.2016 - 1.5.10
BUGFIX: An issue with refreshing columns 1.6.1 and 1.6.2 for Sep has been resolved. Meters are searched now by name, not by serial.
A new web page has been added in the SelfHosted application!
SQLtoDB2Calculator - Changedlogging and commented code removed.
JobsController - New method "IHttpActionResult GetJobsList([FromUri]int filter, int? last = null)" has been added for showing list on web.
WebGUI changes (single page)